Mainframe News

Once a month we like to pick blog articles from other sources that we feel are interesting enough to talk about on the Planet Mainframe blog. Here are this month’s picks:

A wake-up call

Another interesting article from Planet Mainframe contributor Trevor Eddolls on his Toolbox Tech blog – “A Wakeup Call” where he talks about how the mainframe is still front-and-center for transaction processing in large organizations. Not only that, it has shown to be just as compatible with DevOps thinking as any other platform (for organizations willing to keep the mainframe out of an artificial silo environment). Further, Zowe now brings open-source to the mainframe… on zOS. Read more:
See more here: Toolbox Tech.

IBM Blockchain Gains Traction for Shipping with TradeLens

IBM is the mainframe champion, but that’s not their only focus by a long shot. They’re heavily invested in Cloud, AI and distributed Linux systems, and much more. And that includes Blockchain. Friend of the Planet Mainframe blog, Alan Radding in his Dancing Dinosaur blog (IBM Blockchain Gains Traction for Shipping with TradeLens) explains how their new blockchain-enabled TradeLens platforms helps to promote information sharing, collaboration, and trust among trading partners. Read more:
See more here: Dancing Dinosaur article.

Disaster Recovery in Depth: More than Offsite Recovery

As always, we keep looking to the folks at longpelaexpertise for tech insight. This time we recommend ‘Disaster Recovery in Depth: More than Offsite Recovery’ by Davis Stephens. Davis breaks down disaster recovery into several steps – recovery in depth, if you will, and how it applies to JCL, TSO commands, CICS transactions, etc. Definitely worth a look…
See more here: Longpela article.

360 Henge: How the Mainframe Shapes Our Future

Another interesting article by Planet Mainframe friend Reg Harbeck – 360 Henge: How the Mainframe Shapes Our Future on the IBM DestinationZ blog. When we step back to consider what works well versus what doesn’t, or what makes our lives miserable, we can see clearly that the mainframe is one of those rare things in life that works now, and will very likely for some time to come… Again, a nice article, worth a read.
See more here: article.

Where else to go

While the PlanetMainframe blog is the best place to learn about the latest in mainframe talk, there are several other places worth looking in at:

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