The Mainframe: A Look Back at 2022 & What is on the Horizon in 2023
Why focus on the mainframe for a look forward? If you’ve read the rest of the IT-based rhetoric about 2022…
Consider Application-Level Lock Control in Db2 13 for z/OS
It has been close to a year since Db2 13 for z/OS has been generally available. It was announced in…
Who Wants To Be A Mainframe Genius?
Mainframes have been around for more than half a century, and for many businesses, they remain the backbone of their…
What’s New In Mainframe?
Introducing the new single frame and rack mount configurations of IBM z16 and IBM LinuxOne 4 IBM’s Z series might…
Artificial Intelligence, the Future of Humanity and the Technology that is transforming the World
Federico Faggin, the inventor of the microchip, has been turning his gaze ever more toward and inside the human being.…
The Six Degrees of Customer Experience
By: Joe Doria Most of us are familiar with the idea that there are no more than five intermediaries between…
Are You a Mainframe Expert? Test Your Knowledge
If you’re looking for a theme running through this week’s mainframe trivia challenge, it’s all about preparing for future mainframe…
Taking the mainframe back to the future!
By Tim Leader With its unrivalled stability, security and power the mainframe has long offered enormous benefits to the global…