Still COBOL After All These Years?
Have you seen the recent headlines? Wanted urgently: People who know a half century-old computer language so states can process…
Mainframe modernization remains a top priority
The mainframe community is rightly proud of our platform’s ability to accelerate digital transformation and protect enterprises against growing cyber…
Understanding how a ‘CM0 SL1 – ACK’ Input Message sent to IMS Connect works
IMS Connect (ICON) is the TCP/IP gateway for IMS. So, besides running the traditional IMS transactions on z/OS, an IMS…
Optimizing Mainframe Data Access
Nobody can deny that the amount of data that we store and manage continues to expand at a rapid pace.…
Db2 12 for z/OS Buffer Pools – Recommendations for PGSTEAL, PGFIX and FRAMESIZE
Not too long ago, I received a note from the leader of a Db2 for z/OS database administration team, asking…
Embracing In-Memory Processing for Optimizing Performance
Organizations are always encouraging their IT professionals to obtain the highest level of performance out of their applications and systems.…
Removing Duplicates From a List in Elixir
Thanks to the Enum module, in Elixir we can trivially remove duplicates from a list. In the following example, we…
Developing with Elixir/OTP Course Review
Ruby was the first programming language I truly fell in love with. Yes, I had used several others before (and…