Mainframe Resiliency

This month at Planet Mainframe we’ve been focusing on the topic of observability and resiliency – a topic that is evergreen in a world rife with cyber-hazards. Our last trivia quiz was on observability, so we’re dedicating this week’s quiz to resiliency.

In business, resilience typically means maintaining continuity through failover and redundancy principles during disruptions. However, in cyber resilience, the focus shifts to actively preventing and repelling attacks, alongside recovery efforts.

Unlike in the past, when IT systems were relatively self-contained, today’s interconnected systems require organizations to actively prepare for security breaches. And while mainframes may still be the most secure platform on the planet, they require the same focus and priority as distributed and cloud platforms.

If you want to brush up on your understanding of resiliency concepts, take a look at the article “The Underrated Elements of Cyber Resiliency”…then come back and take our quiz.

1. What is cyber resiliency primarily focused on?


2.  What does cyber resiliency encompass beyond traditional cybersecurity?


3. Which of the following is NOT one of the three kinds of people mentioned in the context of cybersecurity resilience?


4. What percentage of breaches are attributed to human error, according to studies?


5. Which strategy is recommended to mitigate the damage caused by unintentional errors?


6. What does Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) require from users?


7. What is the purpose of continuous monitoring in cyber resiliency?


8. Why is cyber resiliency considered vital for businesses?


9. Which of the following is a key aspect of a successful cyber resiliency strategy?


10. How does cyber resiliency differ from traditional cybersecurity?


Sonja Soderlund is an Oregon-based B2B freelance writer. Whether writing about mainframe computers, educational technology, or sustainable retail, she strives to bring clarity to complex issues. Connect with her at or LinkedIn.

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