Archives: Events

Virtual CICS User Group – CICS Resource Definitions as part of a DevOps Pipeline

Zoom - Virtual Meeting

Many organizations already leverage automated DevOps practices for distributed applications, and now many are looking to include z applications in the pipeline.  For CICS, developers manage source code and the executable modules, but the systems programmers typically manage the related CICS resource definitions.  This separation between the code and resource definitions creates issues when incorporating […]

Virtual Db2 User Group – Oh, The Things I’ve Seen! Db2 Stories and Best Practices

Zoom - Virtual Meeting

With a nod to Dr. Suess, this presentation discusses a few Db2 best practices based on experiences I've encountered during my consulting career. It takes a look at actual scenarios (without naming names) to explore situations that can arise in any organization. Some of the things covered include RUNSTATS, RID failures, lock escalation, and more. […]