The Most Important Part for Cybersecurity

The relationship between education and security

The digital age is a double-edged sword. While it offers unprecedented connectivity and innovation, it also presents a vast and ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats. From the devastating “mother of all breaches” in 2024, where a staggering 26 billion user records were compromised, to the constant barrage of sophisticated malware attacks and targeted phishing campaigns, organizations of all sizes are a target. This alarming reality highlights a critical truth: Cybersecurity is no longer an afterthought, but a fundamental pillar of any successful business strategy.

The “mother of all breaches” stands as a stark reminder that even seemingly minor oversights can have catastrophic consequences. In this instance, a simple firewall misconfiguration exposed an extensive collection of sensitive data. This incident exemplifies the importance of comprehensive cybersecurity awareness and education across an organization. The fallout from a data breach extends far beyond the initial financial losses, which can be significant.  Reputational damage, legal repercussions and the deterioration of customer trust can cripple an organization for years to come. Disruptions to operations, lost productivity and dissatisfied customers further compound the problem, making recovery a complex and costly endeavor. 

Knowledge Is the Best Defense 

An organization with a well-educated workforce is far better equipped to defend itself against cyber threats. Employees who understand basic cybersecurity principles are less likely to fall victim to phishing scams or malware attacks. They can also identify suspicious activity and report it promptly, allowing security teams to take swift action. Investing in employee education empowers them to become active participants in their organization’s cybersecurity approach.

Vanguard recognizes that having a knowledgeable organization regarding cybersecurity is critical to the future of any company. Statistics from KnowBe4 reveal that a staggering 88% of data breaches stem from human error. This understanding fuels our commitment to education through our ongoing training programs and the Vanguard Security & Compliance (VSC) event.  

Vanguard Security & Compliance

Recognizing the global need for cybersecurity education, VSC is a premier gathering of cybersecurity professionals from around the world. VSC offers a comprehensive program that balances educational sessions with interactive workshops and networking opportunities. Attendees learn from leading security experts and connect with their peers, fostering a valuable exchange of knowledge and best practices. Additionally, attendees will gain practical insights on the importance of compliance and regulation standards while discussing important matters such as what’s new, what needs to be protected and how to ensure that your organization is compliant with rules and regulations. 

Beyond Cybersecurity: Developing Mainframe Skills 

However, the cybersecurity landscape extends beyond mitigating immediate threats.  The future of the mainframe ecosystem faces a looming challenge: a rapidly aging workforce.  Nearly 40% of mainframe specialists are approaching retirement. Despite the efforts of organizations like IBM, SHARE, and more, the skills gap is closing but still remains a threat to the mainframe community. 

Bridging the mainframe skills gap requires a complex approach. Education stands out as a critical solution, empowering organizations to develop the next generation of talent. Organizations have a responsibility to invest in training programs that equip the next generation with the necessary skills to navigate the complexities of mainframe systems and security. Vanguard Integrity Professionals exemplifies this commitment by partnering with the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV). Through a rigorous selection process, we annually offer internship opportunities to 10–15 upperclassmen. These interns participate in a demanding bootcamp designed to equip them with the fundamentals of mainframe computing and security. Successful graduates may be offered full-time positions upon completion—a rewarding opportunity that benefits both the interns and Vanguard’s long-term sustainability.

Cybersecurity is not a one-time fix; it’s a continuous journey of vigilance and proactive measures. Empowering your workforce with knowledge is the most effective defense against today’s ever-evolving cyber threats. By investing in education and fostering a culture of security awareness, organizations can navigate the digital world with confidence and contribute to a more secure future for all. 

Vanguard, your trusted partner since 1986.

Knowledge is power. Fight back against cyber threats. Get educated!

Vanguard Security & Compliance 2024 |September 16 - September 19

Recognizing the global need for cybersecurity education, Vanguard Security & Compliance is a premier gathering of cybersecurity professionals from around the world. VSC offers a comprehensive program that balances educational sessions with interactive workshops and networking opportunities. Attendees learn from leading security experts and connect with their peers, fostering a valuable exchange of knowledge and best practices. Additionally, attendees will gain practical insights on the importance of compliance and regulation standards while discussing important matters such as what’s new, what needs to be protected and how to ensure that your organization is compliant with rules and regulations.

Join industry leaders from Vanguard Integrity Professionals, Broadcom, Rocket, IBM, Vertali, and more for this premier education event.

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